Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's not over

Mainstream media report hopefully on polls and seem eager to try to manufacture doubts and worries. (Ask yourself: How much negative or doubtful news coverage have you seen about their Blessed Obama and Prince Biden?)

But all those machinations may be in vain. It all depends on you.

I believe that if conservatives turn out in force with determination, they can easily win this election. If they fall for the trick and get discouraged, thinking it's hopeless, or divide their votes among various candidates, then they will lose, and our country will be fully in liberal hands.

It's not over. Not by any stretch of the imagination! In fact, even asserting this may give things a doubtful connotation, which is not my intent. There are so many people out there with conservative values, but the liberals tend to be better activists. They go into communities and get out the vote in an exaggerated fashion. They talk to people, sign them up, and post flyers everywhere. One of these days, those with traditional and common-sense values are going to have to learn to get out the vote too.

If the result of this election seems very uncertain to you, or if you think it may go the wrong way, what should you do? (No, "just wait and see" is not the right answer.) Get out there and make it happen! Victory may sometimes fall into your hands, but more often it's won through proactive effort. You don't have to climb mountains or perform brain surgery; we're talking about easy and simple actions.

Just talk to friends and family, let them know how you're voting and why. If they want reasons, give it to them in Obama's own words, or better yet, show them a video of him saying it. Make sure all the people you know with conservative values are planning to head to the polls. Go out and claim your victory!

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